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Horizon 2020 azione MSCA.
Si segnala la possibilità di partecipare ad una giornata informativa sui bandi Marie Sklodovska Curie che si terrà il prossimo 27 aprile a Bari.
The aim of this seminar is to raise awareness on the MSCA programme and highlight how it can be considered an opportunity for Euro – Mediterranean cooperation on research mobility. The seminar will target institutions, research centers, universities and private sector with the aim to promote the opportunities offered by mobility schemes.
9:00‐9:30 Welcome: Importance to train young researchers in the Mediterranean and the role of CIHEAM Cosimo Lacirignola, CIHEAM Secretary General
9:30‐10:15 MSCA: programme overview. Opportunities for EU and Third Countries. Alessandra Luchetti, EC ‐ Head of Department, Research Executive Agency
10:15‐10:30 EMUNI, an experience of international mobility. Hamid El‐Zoheiry, EMUNI President
10:30‐10:45 The mobility in the Mediterranean Partner Countries: an academic experience.
10:45‐11:00 Research mobility in the non‐academic sector.
11:00‐12:30 Discussion with participants